How to crack SSC CGL Tier-I exam 2021 successfully? Follow the Tips Which Actually Work

For cracking SSC CGL Tier-I exam, it is important to have complete knowledge about its syllabus and exam pattern. According to the SSC CGL Notification 2021 the exam of SSC CGL Tier-I will have four sections- General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude and English Comprehension. There will be total of 100 questions where each section will have 25 questions. The asked questions will be objective types where each question will have multiple choices in answer section.

There will be only one correct answer and for each correct answer, you will get 2 marks and lose 0.50 marks for every wrong answer. The candidates have to solve 100 questions in 1 hour or 60 minutes. So, you have to first decide the distribution of time for all the four sections. The candidate should devote 25 minutes to Quantitative Aptitude Section (toughest section), 15 minutes to General Intelligence & Reasoning Ability Section, 10 minutes to General Awareness Section and English Comprehension Section. It means that candidates have to really work hard on speed of answering and accuracy to score maximum. The best strategy to attempt question paper will be attempting easiest questions first and then move towards moderate to difficult questions. It will be a positive strategy to approach towards complicated questions. You should never try guess-working in answering questions as it can lead to negative marking and can ruin your selection prospects.

Before organizing a preparation strategy, you should prioritize important topics first by scrutinizing previous year papers thoroughly. You should make a list of important topics by noting down the year-wise occurrence of questions. The list should be prepared section-wise. It will give you an idea about the expected occurrence from questions from every important topic.

Thereafter, you can note down important topics from each section and start preparing the strategy of studying them by preparing a systematic time-table. For General Intelligence and Reasoning section, the important topics are Semantic Analogy, Series and Semantic Classification, Symbolic/Number Analogy, Venn Diagrams, Puzzles, Symbolic/Number Classification, Figural Pattern – folding and completion, Mirror Image, Ranking, Water Images, Number Series, Coding and de-coding, Problem Solving and Data sufficiency. For Quantitative Aptitude Section, the important topics are Decimal and Fractions, Relationship between numbers, Ratio and Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Number System, Interest (Simple and Compound), Time and distance, Time and work, Use of Tables and Graphs: Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar-diagram, Pie-chart.

For English section, the important topics are Fill in the Blanks, Spellings/ Detecting Errors, Idioms & Phrases, Cloze Passage, Comprehension Passage, One-word substitution. The students should work hard in enhancing their reading skills, vocabulary usage and grammatical skills to master these topics. They should develop a habit of becoming daily reader of good English literature which primarily includes reading daily English newspapers, informative magazines and websites etc. For General Awareness Section, the important topics are Science (Biology, Physics, Chemistry), static GK, Economy, Computers, Indian History and Culture, Geography, Polity, Miscellaneous GK topics etc.

As discussed earlier, SSC CGL Tier-I will be objective type test with a time constraint of solving 100 questions in 1 hour. It is important to work hard on polishing your time-management skills and accuracy. After finishing your syllabus, do work hard on quizzes on every topic and try to attempt maximum online mock tests to check your level of preparation and aptitude. Before the examination day, you should try to attempt maximum full length mock tests to get an overview of predictable question paper. SSC SCL Tier-I is expected to be fierce battle between contestants and so deliver your best efforts to get yourself selected for the next Tier of selection process of SSC CGL 2020 exam.

All the Best!!!



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